This month's program: “MAKE A FALL CENTERPIECE A “CHALLENGE” Presentation. Three club members will be chosen to make an arrangement from identical supplies and materials. Be amazed and inspired by their unique designs!! Be our guest! Valparaiso Garden Club Website Page
Business Meeting - Changed from Nov 2nd to the 9th Place changed to Heritage Museum of NWFL - 115 Westview Ave, Valparaiso, FL 32580 Program - Discussion -- Petite Designs
Our Dear Marie Harrison of Valparaiso Garden Club has donated her floral design treasures and holiday decorations to share with the community! Come to the sale and get good deals to recreate something fabulous! Friday, November 10, 2023 7 am to 5 pm Saturday, November 11, 2023 7 am to 5 pm
The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. promotes an active awards program for members that serve to recognize the achievements of individuals, a club/circle or district which further the goals and objectives of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., the Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., and National Garden Clubs, Inc. The application and award descriptions explain it all. This year's deadline for most awards is November 22, 2023.
Considered to be one of the top shows in the southeast! Bloom Prep 7:00- 10:00am Judging 10:30am to 1:00pm Public Viewing 1:00pm to 4:00pm Plant Sales: 9:00am to 4:00pm Admission: Free
Eligibility • Special Education: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade. • English as a second language: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade. • General Education: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade. Date of Submission • Club entries must be sent to YOUR State’s Youth Chairperson; observe your State Deadline. State Winners must be sent to Regional Chairperson by February 1, 2024. Regional Winners must be sent to National Chairperson by March 1, 2024. Guidelines • Poems should be no more than 24 lines (including title) with a max of 42 letters/spaces per line in order to fit on single page of booklet. • Include name, address,...
Valparaiso Garden Club is moving back to Trinity Presbyterian Church to resume meetings beginning with our January 10, 2024 meeting! Doors open at 9AM, meeting begins at 9:30AM with a program by Pierre Kaufke, a Bonsai expert from Pensacola, FL. Many of you will remember Pierre from his wonderful bakery, Napoleon’s in Pensacola! Come and join us, bring a friend. This will be a fun one!!! Watch your email for driving directions to Trinity!
Garnier Beach Garden Club checks a box for the Nell Coe Award 100 things... Clebrates Florida Arbor Day!
Celebrate FFGC’s 100th anniversary! Plant a tree for Florida’s Arbor Day 2024! Join 235 garden clubs in Florida in planting a tree on Friday, January 19th. Here are the tools to help you make your event a success : History of Arbor Day, Pre-Event Publicity Examples, Examples of Arbor Day Proclamations, Media Release Template. Suggested Timeline - May 19 – CHOOSE an Arbor Day coordinator for YOUR garden club. Submit name & contact information to me June 19 – DECIDE HOW to buy/obtain YOUR tree. Decide how to raise funds if needed. July 19 – DECIDE WHERE to plant tree....
Valparaiso Garden Club will be planting a tree at the Paradise Pollinator Garden at the NW Florida History Museum.
Garnier Beach Garden Club celebrates Florida Arbor Day with a tree planting at The Fort Walton Beach Recreation Center. This event is one of the 100 options on the Nell Coe 2025 Award from FFGC.
Dogwood Garden Club of Gulf Breeze is celebrating FFGC’s 100th anniversary plant a tree for Florida’s Arbor Day 2024! Our Club is donating a Red Maple Tree. Join us at Swenson Park, Gulf Breeze at 10:00 am. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
The tree planting ceremony of a bald cypress commemorates the 100 anniversary of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs and the 22nd year of the Destin Garden Club. Speakers will be Commissioner Carolyn Ketchel, Destin Mayor Bobby Wagner, and DGC Member Cindy Dohner. For more information contact or call 850-244-4490
The Milton Garden Club will present a Chickasaw plum (Prunus angustifolia) tree to the Santa Rosa Master Gardener Association in observation of Florida Arbor day 2024. The first 100 visitors to this event will receive a Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) seedling.
Business Meeting for Florida Flower Show Judges' Council, District I, Inc. Program: Design -Is It All In The Mechanics?
An education opportunity for the residents of the surrounding area to bring their beautiful blooms to competition in a Community Camellia Show and Plants Sale. The purpose of the show is to educate the novice on how to prepare their blooms to present it for judging, and have it stand out from the competition. Club members will assist you with bloom identification, set up, entry forms, and placement of blooms by category. Novices can also learn what judges look for in a bloom to determine which one stands out as ‘The Best in Show’. Once judging is completed, prizes are...
February 6, 2024 - UPDATE - Meet at Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church - 9:15 Meet and greet, call to order 9:45 Tina Tuttle, the President of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc, will be giving an outstanding presentation on "Plants of the Bible". This may be your last time to meet a President of FFGC, plus Tina is from District I (Molino)--one of our own. CANCELLED - Meet at the Tivoli High House at 10:45am. Admission $11 for Seniors Dogwood Meets the first Tuesday of each month from September to May. A business meeting will be held at...
This event is a place holder for the 2024 volunteer training. Dates will be updated when they become available. This same weekend they host an open house for campers, parents, and the public.
Since 1998, the Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs (PFGC) has been providing a community outreach through educational series seminars. There are six presenters from the community leading four sessions throughout the day long event. Topcs include: Great Gardeners; Basic and Simple Floral Designs; Companion Planting; Water is Wonderful; Hydroponic Gardening and Natural Beauty Gardening Lunch, snacks and handouts from the speakers are included in the cost of the event $ 25. Garden Circles from PFGC assemble opportunity baskets for the event and a 50/50 drawing is held. Printable registration - Click Here for printable flyer registration form or by email...
Florida Flower Show Judges Council- District 1 present their second annual floral Design Gala, February 29, 2024, from 2 pm - 5 pm at The Garden Center, 1850 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, Florida 32503. This year features the fabulous Delta Divas, Carol Bullard and Debby Cooper, nationally recognized floral designers and hard core garden clubbers. Carol is a former Director of Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. and Debby is the current Director. Both share a love of floral design, gardening and …gambling! Their unique, unusual hobby provides both the theme for this year’s event as well as the title of...
Register before December 31, 2023 and get a free T Shirt No refunds after Feb 17, 2024 Visit the Convention Website for details and registration
Business Meeting for the Florida Flower Show Judges' Council, District I, Inc. Program : Botanical Arts - Is This The FUN Section? I Want To Sign Up! Location:TBD
FFGC Convention will have a juried art show just for us. Members Only Art Show at the hotel will showcase your great works of art! Cash prizes will be awarded. Take a look at the schedule and plan to share your creative side! To see Members Only Art Show registration schedule, click on "Artshow2024" Artshow2024
In conjuction with the 2024 Florida Federation of Garden Clubs Convention, this flower show will be held at the Garden Club of Jacksonville's historic building. FFGC members are invited to exhibit and attend! Exhibits will be accepted on April 9th and judging takes place on April 10th. Flower Show Chairman, Gina Jogan:Flower Show Chair FFSJ President, Gina Jogan ( Co-Chairmen Ann Crawford ( Barb Jacobson ( Registration Required - Draft Flower Show Schedule
#FFGC100 The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. will have its 100th Anniversary Celebration next April in Jacksonville, Florida at the South Bank Hotel by Marriott. You are all invited and encouraged to attend this very special celebration ......a once in a lifetime event.......hosted by District 1 with President Tina Tuttle presiding over the festivities. Of course, this event cannot take place without the help of others, notably, Jenny Weber, District 1 Director and Chair of the Convention, Gina Jogan, FFGC Convention Vice Chairman, and Connie Gladding, FFGC Convention Coordinator, and many others. We need your help and participation...
Third Annual Golf Scramble hosted by Milton Garden Club Event Brochure - Removed April 19, 2024 - 11:00 AM Registration Begins, Vendor Exhibits Open 11:30 AM Lunch Begins 12:30 PM Shotgun Start 5:30 PM Play Ends and Cards Due Prizes, Drawings, Food and Fun $400 for a team of four or $100 for an individual golfer. This covers registration and play for the day, mulligan/tee buster package, food and beverages. Four chances to win a hole-in-one prize including a trip to Pebble Beach Golf Course valued at $10,000. Many sponsor opportunities available. Contact, 850-586-1368 for sponsorship opportunities
Host: Garnier Beach Garden Club Tickets: $25 mail in only. Deadline: Apr, 24, 2024 Registration opens at 9 AM all club members can attend! Meeting Call to Order Starts at: 9:30 AM Program: XXX Includes: Morning Hospitality, 50/50 Drawing, Opportunity Baskets, Awards, Ways and Means and GAMES! (please briing small bills) Buffet Lunch: The Corner Café To register, click on attached registration form: Call to Spring 2024 District Meeting
District 1 Florida Flower Show Judges Council, Inc. hosts the National Garden Clubs, Inc. - Flower Show Judges Symposium The public is invited and club members may attend as per stated fees. Registration Form - Download Here Symposium is an in-depth course of two design types, two horticulture exhibit types and one allied topic pertaining to flower shows These courses are primarily intended for Flower Show Judges to maintain their credentials, but all garden club members interested in learning more about flower shows, floral design and horticulture are encouraged to attend. All NGC Accredited Flower Show Judges are required...
The Garden Club of Pensacola will host this annual event of touriing special gardens in the area. Tickets on sale soon. Tickets will be on sale at the the Pensacola Garden Center on the day of the event. 1815 North 9th Avenue. This is a two day event. Saturday, May 18 10am to 4pm Sunday, May 19 noon to 4pm
An exclusive FFGC educational opportunity with speakers, horticulture and design, workshops, field trips, food, vendors and door prizes. Short Course North is a two day event held yearly in the Florida Panhandle in August. A variety of topics related to gardening, landscaping, and the environment are explored. Speakers represent IFAS, area growers, and other knowledgeable plant experts. The workshop rotates to different venues in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Walton Counties. The 2024 event will be held in Santa Rosa and also by Zoom. Topics of Study: Gardening Myths, Food Forests, Raised Bed Soils, Extend the Growing Season, Aquatics, Managing Edible...
Enjoy some watermelon, share some seedlings; identify a tree, ask a gardening question; meet some new people, make some new friends; join a club; find out about future events, look into floral design. It goes on and on…. COME ONE, COME ALL. HAVE FUN Contact 850-432-6095 for more information. Chairman Debbie Kay
The Florida Wildlife Federation is hosting a live webinar- "State Parks Update" Join us next week on Tuesday, September 17, from noon-1 p.m. ET for a live update where Friends of the Everglades Executive Director Eve Samples will be speaking with: Casey Darling Kniffin, Conservation Policy Director of the Florida Wildlife Federation Ryan Smart, Executive Director of the Florida Springs Council Jessica Namath, Founder of the "Protect Jonathan Dickinson State Park" Facebook page, which grew to 45,000 members in under a week Tune in on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or X (formerly Twitter) to learn what we know now and how...
Download Flyer Here Plants, Crafts, Food!
A garage sale like no other! 2 design studios have been emptied so if you have any interest in Floral design or crafts this is it! October 3rd from 10am- noon in Molino. 6727 highway 99
Host: Navarre Garden Club Registration is online by credit card or by postal mail and check. Tickets: $20 plus fees ($3.18) at: Tickets at Eventbrite link Saves postage, check and envelpe! Postal Mail Tickets $20 by check: Printable Registration Form Checks Payable to "Navarre Garden Club" , Ginger Eisele, PO Box 5606, Navarre FL 32566 Email: Deadline: Sept 24, 2024 Registration opens at 9 AM all club members can attend! Meeting Call to Order Starts at: 9:30 AM Program: Spooky Plants Includes: Morning Hospitality, 50/50 Drawing. Opportunity Baskets, Awards, Ways and Means, and plants! Dress: It's a Costume Party!...
Download Flyer - ticket order form here Learn to build your own 24" grapevine Chirstmas themed holiday wreath. You can bring your own decor to change the theme! Instruction by Esther Davis, AIFD, CFD, NMSMF. Contact Esther at: 575-430-4554 or Order tickets by Sept 30th. $15 for FFGC members $20 for non-members
An National Garden Club (NGC) Standard Flower Show. This years theme is "The Shapes of Things". Each year, a committee from the Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (part of FFGC District I), hosts a flower show that any amateur gardener can enter! The flower show is a juried show that conforms to the National Garden Clubs, Inc. flower show rules. There are categories for everyone! Horticulture, floral design, botanical arts, and education. Please see attached schedule to learn more about what categories you can select for your entry. This is an opportunity for members and the public to participate...
Hello Garden Lovers! We are delighted to invite you to the Gulf Coast Camellia Society Conference, hosted by the Pensacola Camellia Club, from October 18-19, 2024. This exciting event will be held at the beautiful Holiday Inn Resort located at 14 Via De Luna Drive, Pensacola Beach, FL. The conference promises a fantastic blend of informative sessions, engaging social events, a fantastic excursion to the Gulf Island National Seashore - Fort Pickens Tour and Ferry Ride. We hope you would share our event with your Clubs and consider coming to the beach for a relaxing time. Click the link below...
Open to Garden Club Members Only Enjoy a visit to the Fair Flower Show without the Parking and Ticket hassles. Contact your club leadership to find out instructions and your scheduled visit time.
Start or complete your holiday shopping with Handcrafted trees, centerpieces, handmade cards, plants, and much, much more! An acoustic guitar, autographed by American country music singer/soungwriter Chris Young, will be offered for sale. For details on purchasiing the guitar, email Event also listed at:
Santa's Garden Party hosted by the Navarre Garden Club Join us for a bake sale, craft sale - see Santa! free adult and kids crafts 8418 E. Bay Blvd., Navarre, FL 32566 Saturday, November 23rd from 10am - 2pm
The DeFuniak Springs Garden Club will be participating in the Annual Hometown Christmas 2024. Saturday, November 30th 8am - 4pm & Sunday, December 1st 1pm - 4pm Enjoy the festivities! We will offer holiday floral, wreaths, crafts and a variety of plants for your Christmas shopping. Walton County Fairgrounds 790 N 9th St | DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433
Fri, Feb 7 ( 1 pm)- Sun. Feb 9 ( 12 pm) 2025 Wekiva (wé-Kī-vá) is a youth camp that FFGC sponsors. We pay for the capital buildings and support the operations of the camp. The future is for us to support and the children to lead. The camp is located at the Florida State Park - Wekiwa (wé-Kī-Wá) - in Apopka, Florida. The two names are similar. You may make donation to the camp here: The Wekiva Youth Camp is an environmental education program begun in 1959 as a Junior Nature Camp where garden club volunteers helped to instill a...
This day-long event is offered annually by PFGC. The registration fee covers four sessions, lunch snacks and beverages. We will also have opportunity baskets assembled by the garden circles, a 50/50 drawing, native plant company will be selling plants and a blade sharpener will be on site to sharpen anything with a blade! Click to Download the Registration Form For more information contact:; 850-432-6095