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FFGC Convention 97 – 100th Anniversary

April 10, 2024 - April 12, 2024


     The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. will have its 100th Anniversary Celebration next April in Jacksonville, Florida at the South Bank Hotel by Marriott. You are all invited and encouraged to attend this very special celebration ……a once in a lifetime event…….hosted by District 1 with President Tina Tuttle presiding over the festivities. Of course, this event cannot take place without the help of others, notably, Jenny Weber, District 1 Director and Chair of the Convention, Gina Jogan, FFGC Convention Vice Chairman, and Connie Gladding, FFGC Convention Coordinator, and many others.
We need your help and participation also. Please plan now to attend this convention; if you have not attended convention before, this is the one not to miss. There will be district parties on one night and a reception for NGC (National Garden Clubs) and DSGC (Deep South Garden Clubs) one evening.
Some of the other highlights of the Convention are:
Wednesday, April 10 – Early Arrivals – will be welcomed to the Cummer Museum and Gardens with a tour by a docent.[The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens is the largest fine arts museum in Northeast Florida.]  Lunch at 12:00 – Then a reception next door for the opening of the Flower Show with punch and cookies. The cost of this is $40 for the tour and luncheon and is not included in Registration. Transportation and cost will be determined. Due to the time constraint of the tour, you may opt in and out of the museum and gardens after the Flower Show reception and opening at no charge.
The evening dinner event will be a casual, “carnival atmosphere” with a balloon artist and lots of fun and games! After all, its a birthday celebration! There is an extra charge for this dinner, not included in Registration price, unless you are on the Board of Directors. This includes a Fashion Show, “Through the Decades.”
Thursday, April 11 – Business Meeting; then a delicious lunch. The featured program will be “Ninah Cummer,”.. “interpretative speaker” presented by Barbara Colaciello. Debby Cooper, Director, Deep South Garden Clubs will speak; her two-year theme is “Decorate the Deep South with Floral Accents.”
In the afternoon of April 11, there will be a workshop on “Historic Cemeteries,” “The Future of Our Oceans,” and the Jr. Gardeners program. Topping off the afternoon, there will be hands- on workshops: “Let’s Be Fascinating,” where you can make your own fascinator to wear to the banquets and “Fun with Flowers.”
The banquet that evening will be Mr. Xavier Cortada presenting his program FLOR 500, “An Art Nature History Project,” presented at the State’s Quincentennial celebration. He recently presented a program in Iceland and is said to be an excellent speaker.
Friday, April 12 – Business Meeting; then another delicious lunch. The featured program will be Sam Carr and Mike Adams presenting “The Bartram Trails Tales.” Ms. Brenda Moore, President of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. will speak; her two-year theme is “Go Green – Plant America.” Ms. Moore will also be having a book signing and sale that afternoon. Proceeds to benefit FFGC.
Continuing our great line-up of speakers after Lunch is Ms. Amy Koch, President of the St. John’s Audubon Society – “Native Plants, Gardens and Birds.” Ms. Claudia Bates, former president of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, will host a corsage workshop open to those who sign up, and there is a limited number. There is a formal banquet that evening, so dress-up and wear your corsage!
Our Keynote Speaker/Floral Design Program for Friday Banquet is Ms. Laura Dowling. Ms. Dowling’s credentials include former White House Designer, and she is known for her contemporary and romantic style of flower arranging. Her flower designs have been featured in design magazines and HGTV. She has several books to her credit and has received numerous awards and achievements. Ms. Dowling will also host a book signing and sale.
Art Show: You may want to enter the art exhibit chaired by Pat Cummins. This is for an item you have made. You may win prize money! Please contact Pat Cummins at findpatcummins@gmail.com if you are interested.
We hope to have a Welcoming to the Convention by the Mayor of Jacksonville and possibly Governor DeSantis.
As if this is not enough to whet your interest, there will be many more fun activities, awards, raffles…. the list goes on!
But now, why we are “whetting your interest.” WE NEED YOU TO JOIN THE FUN! YOUR SUPPORT AND PARTICIPATION! In any event, you do not want to miss this convention! Gather your friends, rent a van and come as a group!
We need lots of fun helpers – hostesses, donations of raffle baskets, gift cards, and many more items. More information in upcoming newsletters.
Please put the dates on your calendar – April 10 – 12, 2024, Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. 100th Anniversary Celebration at the SouthBank Hotel by Marriott in Jacksonville, Florida. Please plan to attend; please let us know how you can help.
Contact: Jenny at jenweber1975@gmail.com to let us know you will join the fun.
Let’s make this the funnest convention ever!


April 10, 2024
April 12, 2024


Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
View Organizer Website


Southbank Marriott Hotel
Jacksonville, FL United States + Google Map