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The National Garden Clubs, Inc. offers four schools for the enrichment and educational growth of its members. Upon completion of a school, members become flower show judges or consultants. In order to maintain accreditation, judges/consultants are required to attend optional events that enhance knowledge acquired, explore current trends, and promote interest in the school subject. Each are explained below. Dates and locations for courses are in the Table of Contents: Calendar for NGC and FFGC Schools.
Consultants of Environmental Studies, Gardening Study, and Landscape Design Schools are encouraged to refresh in optional events sponsored within the organization. A multiple refresher may be for two (Bi-Refresher) or three (Tri-Refresher) of these schools where subject matter usually overlaps to a large degree. Flower Show School Symposiums usually concentrate on flower shows, horticulture and design.
Although the courses are intended primarily for garden club members, they are open to the general public.
Garden Club Members are eligible to apply for Four Star Membership upon completions of the Four NGC Schools sponsored by FFGC:
Environmental Studies School
Flower Show Judges School
Gardening Study School
Landscape Design Study School
Being certified in these schools is quite an achievement! NGC honors members who completed these schools and are currently certified. Four Star Members may apply for a Five Star Membership when the level of Master is obtained in all four schools. New Four and Five Star Members are recognized each year at the State Convention and their names appear in The Florida Gardener magazine.
FFGC provides courses in Floral Design, “Digging It”, Symposiums, Short Course North, Tropical Short Course and, “Fun with Flowers”.