We present the Garden Clubs Of Northwest Florida

Garden Clubs of Northwest Florida is your source as a newcomer to our community or member of a garden club for news and events covering the counties of Escambia, Santa Rosa, Walton and Okaloosa.
Members Only receive our Newsletter – The Busy Bee

The Busy Bee Newsletter is sent monthly to all District 1 Members

We utilize the Constant Contact email service to ensure that every District member receives the newsletter. Make sure to add Camille.Greeley@gardenclubsnwfl.com to your contact email list to stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news. If you’re not receiving the newsletter, please contact her so we can add you to the email roster. We don’t want anyone to miss out! Additionally, members and the public can easily add events from our website to their calendar by clicking “add to calendar” on the individual event listing.
Our Director – Jenny Weber, Milton Garden Club
Theme – Thanks, Mom!

Butterfly – Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Flower – Sarracenia flava (Pitcher Plant)