ACCREDITED JUDGES – Members that have attained and maintained their currency as NGC Flower Show Judges. Any member who wishes to pursue being an Accredited Judge, starts as a Student Judge. Initial requirements are to read The National Gardner, obtain the latestest revision copy of the NGC Handbook for Flower Shows (download from NGC website); attend four Flower Show School courses and achieve a passing examination scores in each. Student Judge status is acheived after passing three courses. Student Judges continue to fullfil additional requirements to become an Accredited Judge. To maintain their accreditation, Judges must exhibit, judge and attend Symposium periodically. There are four levels of Judges: Student, Accredited, Accredited Life, Accredited Master. If a Master Judge “retires”, he or she may become a Judge Ameritus.
What is expected of a student Judge, each level…Master, Life?
Symposium is an in-depth course of design, horticulture and allied subjects pertaining to flower shows. These courses are primarily intended for Flower Show Judges to maintain their credentials, but all garden club members interested in learning more about flower shows, floral design and horticulture are encouraged to attend.
All NGC Accredited Flower Show Judges are required to attend NGC Symposiums in order to remain in Good Standing. Good Standing is necessary if a judge wishes to continue judging and evaluating flower shows.