“Campers Today – Environmental Leaders Tomorrow.”
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (FFGC) Sponsored Summer Youth Camp
The FFGC is proud to sponsor a summer nature camp for children in grades 3 through 8. This program is situated in Wekiwa Springs State Park, which is located in Apopka, just north of Orlando, Florida. The purpose of this camp is to instill a love and respect for nature in our youngsters, encouraging them to learn more about environmental conservation and protection. Accredited by the American Camp Association, the Wekiva Youth Camp seeks to teach campers to possess a passion for nature and the environment.
Our clubs generously support the camperships and/or the building and maintenance fund by contributing donations each year. In fact, many of our club members volunteer as camp counselors during the summer. To reduce camper fees, we welcome any camper accompanied by an adult garden club volunteer. Please note that camper fees do not cover the cost of the camp, but rather, various District 1 club fundraisers support the camp. Thus, the WYC is supported almost exclusively by clubs and individual members. Your donations to the camp each year are greatly appreciated. For more information, please visit www.wekivayouthcamp.org.