Garden Club Meeting – Valparaiso – Jan 2024

Trinity Presbyterian Church 44 South Ave, Valparaiso, FL, United States

Valparaiso Garden Club is moving back to Trinity Presbyterian Church to resume meetings beginning with our January 10, 2024 meeting! Doors open at 9AM, meeting begins at 9:30AM with a program by Pierre Kaufke, a Bonsai expert from Pensacola, FL. Many of you will remember Pierre from his wonderful bakery, Napoleon’s in Pensacola! Come and join us, bring a friend. This will be a fun one!!! Watch your email for driving directions to Trinity!

Dogwood Garden Club Meeting

Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church 100 Andrew Jackson Trail, Gulf Breeze, FL, United States

February 6, 2024 - UPDATE - Meet at Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church - 9:15 Meet and greet, call to order 9:45 Tina Tuttle, the President of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc, will be giving an outstanding presentation on "Plants of the Bible". This may be your last time to meet a President of FFGC, plus Tina is from District I (Molino)--one of our own.   CANCELLED - Meet at the Tivoli High House at 10:45am. Admission $11 for Seniors Dogwood Meets the first Tuesday of each month from September to May. A business meeting will be held at...

“For the Love of Gardening”

The Garden Center (Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.) 1850 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, FL, United States

Since 1998, the Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs (PFGC) has been providing a community outreach through educational series seminars. There are six presenters from the community leading four sessions throughout the day long event. Topcs include: Great Gardeners; Basic and Simple Floral Designs; Companion Planting; Water is Wonderful; Hydroponic Gardening and Natural Beauty Gardening Lunch, snacks and handouts from the speakers are included in the cost of the event $ 25. Garden Circles from PFGC assemble opportunity baskets for the event and a 50/50 drawing is held. Printable registration - Click Here for printable flyer registration form or by email...

“Designing is Always A Gamble!” Floral Design Event

The Garden Center (Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.) 1850 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, FL, United States

Florida Flower Show Judges Council- District 1 present their second annual floral Design Gala, February 29, 2024, from 2 pm - 5 pm at The Garden Center, 1850 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, Florida 32503. This year features the fabulous Delta Divas, Carol Bullard and Debby Cooper, nationally recognized floral designers and hard core garden clubbers. Carol is a former Director of Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. and Debby is the current Director. Both share a love of floral design, gardening and …gambling! Their unique, unusual hobby provides both the theme for this year’s event as well as the title of...


Short Course North

Santa Rosa County Extension Office 6263 Dogwood Dr, Milton, FL, United States

An exclusive FFGC educational opportunity with speakers, horticulture and design, workshops, field trips, food, vendors and door prizes. Short Course North is a two day event held yearly in the Florida Panhandle in August. A variety of topics related to gardening, landscaping, and the environment are explored. Speakers represent IFAS, area growers, and other knowledgeable plant experts.  The workshop rotates to different venues in Escambia, Santa Rosa and  Walton Counties. The 2024 event will be held in Santa Rosa and also by Zoom. Topics of Study: Gardening Myths, Food Forests, Raised Bed Soils,  Extend the Growing Season, Aquatics,  Managing Edible...